Goin' Down Music Video

You'll Love Me When I'm Famous Album

You'll Love Me When I'm Famous Album

The Dropouts Website Link

Monday 18 July 2011

Prelim Evaluation

The completed task

Our group chose to base the edit on the original cut, but didn't choose to exactly match the Five video.

Evaluation of the task 

The Call Sheet
Filming behind-the-scenes footage

1. Did you enjoy the workshop day? What were your best bits and why?

I really enjoyed the workshop, and found it really interesting. My favourite parts of the day were when the entire class had to freestyle dance, as it meant that everybody got to be involved. The atmosphere throughout the whole day was really positive, probably due to the fact that it's very difficult to be miserable whilst doing 90's dance moves. It was also really good to be able to watch shots through the monitor, as we'd never been able to see the full effect of the higher quality cameras before.

Using the crash mat

Background dancing shots

Filming the performance

2. What did you learn from participating in the workshop?

Off-duty extras watch the footage

I leant that it's really important to keep up a good atmosphere throughout the shoot, as by the end everyone will be really tired. I also noticed that often it takes longer to direct the technical side of things than the actors or dancers, so we will have to take that into consideration during our own projects. In addition to this, I also realised the next day that it would help to properly warm up and down after the day, as everyone's arms were really aching!

3. Are you pleased with the footage and your edit? Is it how you expected it to look?

I am really pleased with the footage, although when we arrived in the edit suite we realised that a couple of shots were missing, or looked rather different to the originals. For this reason, our edit is based on the original cut but not identical, as we felt it would be a waste to not use other good shots.

4. How do you think your workshop experiences will impact on your approach to next term's music video coursework?

I think that the main thing is to have everything meticulously planned before the shoot, so that the actors don't get bored and distracted whilst we set up the equipment for each new shot. With any physical sequences, we should make sure that everyone on set has enough food and drink to keep going, as it's vital to have everyone on screen looking enthusiastic. Also, it took us maybe hundreds of plays of 'Everybody Get Up' before we became comfortable with the raps, so it would possibly be easier to use a slightly slower song that can be picked up easier. This would also make the edit slightly easier.